We are a happily married couple that met in college back in 2001. We’ve been married for 11 years and when I started this blog we were parents to 3 adorable kids: Nati (almost 6), Nico (3 ½) and Santi (1 ½ ). We are also parents to our furry kid Sammy (11).
In July 2014 we found out we were pregnant again. Although the news caught us by surprise, we thought “hey, we’ve done this 3 times, what’s one more?!” 🙂 What we were not ready for were the news that Becca was carrying TWINS! Yep, TWINS! With no history of twins in either of our families we were in pure shock and realized we had a whole new ball game in our hands.
As news settled and we continue to educate ourselves more and more on all the intricacies that come with twins, our house is full of love and excitement getting ready to welcome our new babies.
Through our blog, we want to share our story. How we go about our day-to-day with our kids, how we prepare to receive our twin boys and how we manage to raise 5 kids under 6!. As many parents may relate, we have our ups and downs and we are still learning every day how to become better parents and raise good loving kids. We will share our wins, our losses, our learning and struggles as we become Happy Number 7. 🙂
Life is great — at times hectic but worth every second. This is our story.